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Regular actions

Regular actions feature allows you to create actions that can be performed regularly according to the configuration set by the wearer. This system provides you with information on the mode chosen by the user, the remaining number of actions, the next available action date, and the ability to fetch previous submitted regular actions.

The regular action system can be used in a variety of ways, such as:

  • Create a Dice extension where wearers can roll the dice regularly.
  • Implement a Task Tracker extension where wearers can mark completed tasks regularly.
  • Build a Fitness Challenge extension where wearers can log their daily workouts or activities.

The regular action system only provides the system for submitting and managing regular actions (know how many actions the wearer can still do). You will need to implement the logic and functionality of your extension by yourself.

Fetch previous regular actions

To retrieve information about previous submitted regular actions, you can use the following endpoint:

  • GET /api/extensions/sessions/:sessionId/regular-actions: Get submitted regular actions

The :sessionId parameter in the endpoint should be replaced with the ID of the specific session you want to apply the action to. To explore the documentation for the regular actions endpoint and view the API specifications, visit the API documentation.

This endpoint returns an object with the following structure:

"mode": "non_cumulative",
"regularity": 3600,
"nbActionsRemaining": 0,
"nextActionDate": "2023-06-01T15:05:00.000Z",
"actions": [
{ "date": "2023-06-01T13:00:00.000Z", "payload": { "diceRolled": 2 } },
{ "date": "2023-06-01T14:05:00.000Z", "payload": { "diceRolled": 6 } },
  • mode: The mode chosen by the wearer for the extension. It can be one of the available modes mentioned in the Available Modes documentation.
  • regularity: The regularity displayed in the configuration, applicable if the user selects the cumulative or non-cumulative mode. For extensions that only support the Unlimited mode, this parameter is not required.
  • nbActionsRemaining: The number of remaining regular actions. If the mode is set to Unlimited, it returns -1.
  • nextActionDate: The date when the next regular action can be performed. If the mode is set to Unlimited, it returns the current date.
  • actions: A list of previous submitted regular actions, including the date and payload (if provided) for each action.

This information allows you to determine the date when the action can be done, and the number of actions remaining for the wearer within your extension.

Know if the wearer can perform a regular action

To know if the wearer can perform a regular action, you can use the value of the nbActionsRemaining parameter.

  • If the value is greater than 0, the wearer can perform a regular action.
  • If the value is -1, the wearer can perform a regular action, as the number of actions is unlimited.
  • If the value is 0, the wearer cannot perform a regular action, and you should inform the wearer that they must wait for the next regular action date.

To know the date when the next regular action can be performed, you can use the value of the nextActionDate parameter.

Submit a regular action

To submit a regular action on the lock, use the following endpoint:

  • POST /api/extensions/sessions/:sessionId/regular-actions: Submit a regular action on the lock (read the API documentation).

The request should include the following structure:

  • payload: The payload of the regular action, stored in a key-value object format. You can include any desired data in this object, which can be retrieved later when fetching the list of previous regular actions.

By submitting a regular action, you can customize and record specific interactions or events within your extension.

If the regular action is submitted successfully, the endpoint returns the same object as the GET endpoint, with the updated information.

When the number of actions remaining is 0

If the number of actions remaining is 0, the endpoint returns a 422 Unprocessable Entity error with the following structure:

"message": "You cannot submit a regular action because you do not have any action remaining. Please wait for the next regular action date and try again."

In this case, you must wait for the next regular action date to submit a new regular action.

Use regular actions in your extension

It is recommended to use the returned information from the GET endpoint, such as nextActionDate and nbActionsRemaining, to inform and guide the wearer within your extension regarding the timing and availability of regular actions.